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Inspire a passion for learning, Nurture compassion for each other and Celebrate excellence and endeavour.

Welcome to

John ClarePrimary School


I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you. John Clare Primary is wonderful school, where we place the children at the heart of all we do: our dedicated staff team strive to ensure that each and every child flourishes and thoroughly enjoys their time with us. 


At John Clare, we take care to:

Inspire a passion for learning, Nurture compassion for each other and Celebrate excellence and endeavour.


We have high expectations for all of our children and value the long-standing and productive partnerships we have with our families and stakeholders. Should you wish to visit our school, we would be very proud to show you around.


Mrs Sarah Nicolson


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Latest News

  • 6 February 2025

    Stay and Share session for Torpel

    It was lovely to welcome the families of Torpel Class (Year 6), into school this morning to share their child's learning.  We hold our Stay and Share sessions termly, for every class, to enable all children to showcase their work a
  • 21 January 2025

    Coffee drop-in for parents of children with SEND

    John Clare Primary School Hosts Successful SEND Support Event for Parents

    John Clare Primary School, located in Helpston, Peterborough, recently hosted its first drop-in coffee session for parents of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

    As part of the Soke Education Trust, the primary school demonstrated its commitment to supporting families and providing inclusive educational experiences through this inaugural event. The coffee session brought together various support organisations, professionals, and agencies to offer guidance and assistance to families.

    "Our aim was to create a welcoming space where parents could access valuable resources and connect with others facing similar challenges," said Abi Kefford, SENCo at John Clare Primary School. "We're thrilled with the turnout and the valuable discussions that took place between parents, our area SENCo, SEND governor, and representatives from the Peterborough City Council SEND Information Hub."

    Cathy Carlisle, CEO of Soke Education Trust, emphasised the importance of community support, stating, "In today's fast-paced world, nurturing our children's mental health is just as crucial as their academic achievements. We are committed to developing collaborative practices that support every child and family in our trust".

    The event featured representatives from multiple support organisations, who provided attendees with crucial information and advice. Parents had the opportunity to meet with SENCos and staff from other local primary schools across Soke Education Trust, creating an environment for sharing ideas and experiences.

    Building on the success of this initial session, the school plans to host another SEND coffee and catch-up event in the summer term, featuring additional visitors who can share their expertise and services for local children and families.

  • 20 December 2024

    Santa Claus visits John Clare!

    We have had some special visitors today! All the children in school have had a great morning meeting Santa. Every child has received a special gift: a lovely bag with a message and a treat. Thank you Santa!

  • 13 December 2024

    We are celebrating!

    We are celebrating the published end of Key Stage 2 data from the end of last academic year. These amazing results are testament to the hard work of the children and staff and are a reflection of our continuous drive for school improvement - we are super proud!

  • 22 November 2024

    Donations are off to Ukraine!

    This week, we received an update from the ‘Helping our Ukrainian Friends’ team. The shoeboxes you generously donated, along with donations of food, medicines and  clothing, are now starting their journey to Ukraine ready to be given to those in need in time for Christmas. This photo shows just how much there will be on the lorry this time! Without your help and that of many others, the team wouldn't be able to do this, so a sincere thank you to you all.


  • 15 November 2024

    We're supporting Children In Need

    We're supporting #ChildrenInNeed and #antibullyingweek2024 by wearing something spotty and odd socks! The children (and staff) always enjoy taking part and we have seen some fantastic outfits! Thank you to all families who have made donations directly to BBC Children in Need 😊

  • 12 September 2024

    Open Day - 9th October 2024

    Please enter an introduction for your news story here.

  • 3 May 2024

    Help for Ukraine Appeal

    We continue to support our local volunteer group, Helping Our Ukrainian Friends. This May, the team are appealing for donations of food, medicines, personal hygiene products, equipment for hobbies and electronics - please see the attachment below for further details.


    Any donations are very gratefully received and should be handed to your child's class teacher or the School Office on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.

    Thank you!

  • 3 May 2024

    Super sewing in Woodgate

    Mrs Kefford is SO proud of the children in Woodgate!

    They have all showed great perseverance this afternoon, learning to over-stitch with needles and felt.

    Children are learning skills to eventually sew their own puppets before the end of term.

  • 18 April 2024

    Cross Country Winners!

    Wow! What an amazing afternoon at AMVC Peterborough Schools' Cross Country Competition! Well done to all of the children who took part; all of them did their very best, and we saw some huge personal bests today - brilliant!

    Year 3/4 boys - 1st place

    Year 3/4 girls - 1st place

    Year 5/6 boys - 4th place

    Year 5/6 girls - 1st place

    Overall boys - 2nd place

    Overall girls - 1st place

    Overall Winners!!!!

  • 27 March 2024

    Peterborough Schools' Winners!

    We are delighted to share that our Netball Team have been crowned Peterborough Schools' Champions! The team played brilliantly throughout the competition and are now off to the County Finals in May. Well done team, we are super proud of you all!

  • 22 March 2024

    'Distinction' awarded to our KS2 Choir!

    Our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Oundle Music Festival today. They were given a 'Distinction' for their performances of 'Holy Night' and 'My Own Superhero' and placed 3rd. Their performances were beautiful and we are truly proud of them all.

  • 19 March 2024

    AMVC Netball Winners!

    Our netball teams played brilliantly today at AMVC, with both teams reaching the final and playing each other, securing 1st and 2nd place for John Clare! Well done teams!

  • 18 March 2024

    Animal Encounters at John Clare!

    Today, we have had some unusual visitors at John Clare! The whole school took part in an Animal Encounters Workshop and interacted with various creatures, including: a snake, a meerkat, a chameleon, an owl and a tarantula. The children had a wonderful time finding out all about these extraordinary animals and their incredible features and adaptations.

    This special visit was made possible through a very kind donation to school made in memory of a loved-one.