Buttercross Class
Welcome to Buttercross Class!
Buttercross is the first class at John Clare School. It contains children from Reception and Year 1, which means that Buttercross children are age 4, 5 or 6 years old. Mrs Challis and Mrs Donaldson are the class teachers. Mrs Dorcheh, Mrs Clarkson, Mrs Cook, Miss Kaur, Mrs Thompson and Mrs Webb are the teaching assistants who work in Buttercross throughout the week.
Our reception children all have a Year 6 buddy who helps them settle into school and supports them during play and lunchtimes.
We enjoy learning through play in our indoor and outdoor workshops as well as adult led activities throughout the day. In Buttercross class we are kind to one another and always show that at John Clare we take care.
All home learning is posted on Google classroom as well as any whole class messages and photos/events.
Reception children’s observations are on Tapestry which are shared with parents/carers at home.